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a 7-day journey: reflections and practice offered by shelley ostroff

In the weeks/months before the first 7 Days of Rest,  7 musings for each of the days came through in meditation. Encoded in these musings, that are also informed by the 7 chakras, is inspiration for a healing journey. These 7 offerings have accompanied the diverse events over the years, their essence holding a relevance beyond the particular themes of the year. This year, I offer simple invitation as guidance - reflections and practices for the journey inspired by the invitations of the days. May this offering nourish you in your journey of deepening intimacy with Rest.


As we begin this journey of the 7 Days, you are invited to open a deep space of communion with the essence of Rest.


day 1

1. Your relationship with Rest: Create a dedicated space of silence to honor rest and to reflect on what has been the nature of your relationship with Rest in your life journey thus far? Move beyond the initial associations to allow yourself access to deeper patterns, conditionings, experiences, voices, insights and inspirations that have shaped your relationship with Rest. Attend to your body's wisdom, and the embodied responses and their messages as you allow the memories and insights related to rest to reveal themselves. What insights emerge as you reflect on this journey? What would you like to invite in to your relationship with Rest as you move forward? This process can be most beneficial through intuitive writing, movement or painting where you allow your creative flow to lead the way.


2. Communing with the essence of Rest: Prepare a quiet space to commune with the essence of Rest, and gently, with gratitude, invite in the presence of Rest. Notice what happens, and how Rest comes into your awareness as you embark on this first day of the journey of the 7 Days of Rest 2025. What are the images, associations, words, feelings, sensations and insights that emerge? What do you share with Rest in this encounter, and what does Rest share with you? You may wish to share your gratitude with Rest for her presence, and offer an intention for the continuation of deepening your relationship with her.


3. Releasing that which is unrestful: In quiet space, as you listen to your breath, imagine yourself shedding all that no longer serves you - all that stands between you and deep rest. Imagine shedding the noise and the toxins, the habits and the fears - and the feelings that hurt yourself and others. Imagine releasing that which is stale and rigid and lifeless and all that which has constrained your creativity and compassion. Notice what happens as you invite in and allow this to become. Be gentle with yourself. Take as long as needed and know that this can be a deeply layered process to be revisited over time. You may want to create a ritual of release for the completion of this first layer of this process - a ritual that includes forgiveness and perhaps gratitude for all that has been released. Allow yourself to sense into the power of this process and how it may want to continue as a practice.


4. Restful Practice and Inspiration: Explore the offerings and the practices on the website (you may want to dip into previous years as well for inspiration) and consider what you feel drawn to to include in your day and in the week ahead. Allow your intuition to guide you to what feels natural and inspiring.


5. Honoring the Emergent: During the day and as the day ends, honor the journey of the day, the insights and intuitions, the embodied experiences and the subtle and the clear revelations and inspirations, the roots and seeds of possibility that may have emerged in the moments of spaciousness. Sense into what and how you may want to water these seeds as the journey continues.

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