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Rest in Loving Essence 


As we begin our journey of healing,

We ask to release from our lives all that no longer serves.

We agree to let go of the noise and the toxins

And the habits and the fears

And the feelings that hurt ourselves and others.

We shed that which is stale and rigid and lifeless

And relinquish that which has constrained 

Our creativity and compassion.

We go deeper, listening patiently as the veils clear,

And fresh spaces open to new breath.

And in for-giving space,

Essence reawakens

Sprouting fresh roots

As it stirs in readiness

To dance again in love with all that is


From the first 7 Days of Rest 2018

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opening messages & blessings

opening message from the white lion heartlands

with linda tucker

Speaking from the Heart of White Lion ancestral territories, an ancient Sacred Natural Site which has been restored from an exploited wasteland to a flourishing paradise under the paws of Africa’s King of Kings, Linda Tucker offers an opening visualization for the year ahead, highlighting the opportunities being birthed out of the global challenges that we have all faced.


Founder of the Linda Tucker Foundation and Global White Lion Protection Trust, she and her team have successfully rewilded the White Lions, securing vast protected heritage lands in the heart of their ancestral territories in UNESCOs Kruger to Canyons Biosphere.


The White Lions and the work of Linda Tucker and the Global White Lion Protection Trust have been a profound inspiration for the 7 Days of Rest Event and for all of the initiatives of Together in Creation. We are immensely grateful to Linda Tucker for this powerful opening message from the Heartlands. 

Water Ceremony and Prayer for the New Year
with Kazumi Ohishi

kazumi ohishi is a "kaminchu", priestess / shaman from okinawa, japan

wisdom and prayers from the mother earth delegation of united original nations

wisdom offering from grandmother jyoti ma, elder, turtle island

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offerings of the day

below are the offerings that will be shared as (pre-) recordings. to view all the events of the day please click on the button

messages from the animals with wynter wortshorne & pea horsley

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daily cosmic naps: total yoga nidra for everyone with uma dinsmore-tuli ~ am session

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music for the journey of the soul with kim kapes of in harmony with nature sanctuary

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being in fearless love with lisa rafel

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ceremony of rest with unity earth

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embodied dreaming with uri noy meir

easing into the new: channelings with hope fitzgerald

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daily cosmic naps: total yoga nidra for everyone with nirlipta tuli ~ pm session

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meditations for the self, the earth & her Inhabitants with rebecca attwood,

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7 days of rest and renewal with the connection field

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cocreate harmony: 909 the gaia minute with meenakshi suri

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earth medicine design with miramichelle

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what is rest? with nejoud al-yagout & luca picilli

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