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Rest in Loving Grace


And She and He are blessed with Grace 

And bless with grace the wholeness.

They came from there

To leave their roots,

Forget their source 

and then return 

with Grace.

The time has come of this return, 

Compassion found - a healing ground,

For-giving Life’s embrace

Where all have space

To live and love and learn,

The path of generosity 

And gratitude

And Grace.


From the first 7 Days of Rest 2018

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wisdom and prayers from the mother earth delegation of united original nations

wisdom offering from grandmother jyoti ma, turtle island

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offerings of the day

below are the offerings that will be shared as (pre-) recordings. to view all the events of the day please click on the button

easing into the new: channelings with hope fitzgerald

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daily cosmic naps: total yoga nidra for everyone with uma dinsmore-tuli ~ am session

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meditations for the self, the earth & her Inhabitants with rebecca attwood,

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music for the journey of the soul with kim kapes

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the healing power of rest - a journey to renewal with lydia dyhin

7 days of rest and renewal with the connection field

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daily cosmic naps: total yoga nidra for everyone with uma dinsmore-tuli ~ pm session

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being in fearless love with lisa rafel

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embodied dreaming with uri noy meir

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two channelled mantras with ave guevara

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