Sacred Relationship | Earth Treasure Vase | Extinction Rebellion

During this 7 Days of Rest and Reflection, we are delighted to honour the Earth Treasure Vase Healing Project, a journey of immense devotion, vision and vibrational healing wisdom, led by Cynthia Jurs after her life-changing meeting with 106-year-old- Tibetan Lama in his cave high in the Himalaya.

When Cynthia asked Tibetan Lama, H.E. Kushok Mangden, Charok Rinpoche, what we can do to bring healing and protection to the Earth, he gave her a practice. The practice she received is inspired by ancient Tibetan Buddhist tradition, of filling consecrated clay vessels with prayers and offerings and ceremonially burying them in the Earth in collaboration with indigenous elders, young activists and grassroots leaders in places where healing and protection are most needed around the planet. Cynthia has for over 30 years dedicated herself to this practice. Since the meeting with the Lama, over 40 Earth Treasure Vases have been planted on every inhabited continent, and more are in this process.
The vases form a global mandala of prayers and intentions for the healing of the Earth.
On every full moon a global online gathering is held for a guided meditation to direct our prayers and intentions into the vases and energize the global mandala, embracing Gaia with our heartfelt presence and sacred offerings.
Below are two magnificent videos that offer a glimpse into the heart of the Earth Treasure Vase Project, and the depth and breadth of its reach. You can discover more of these treasures in the archive
We are deeply grateful to Cynthia Jurs & David Nicol for their generosity in offering two “gateway” meditations on the first and last days of the the 7 Days of Rest and Reflection.
These meditations will connect the field of 7 Days of Rest and Reflection to the Earth Treasure Vase Global Healing Project.
Cynthia and David have been working together in deep partnership around the Earth Treasure Vase and other subtle activism projects. In these meditations, they will together presence the relationship of the Masculine and Feminine in sacred service of Gaia and all of Life.
In these Gateway Meditation Ceremonies we will connect to this extraordinary grid of intentional vase offerings. In doing so we have the unique opportunity of join and amplify the global field of intention laid lovingly over many years, and the field of vibrational activation in the diverse energetic centers where these vases are buried.
The first Gateway Ceremony is on January 1st at 12:00 pm PST. The last Gateway Ceremony is on January 7th at 12:00 pm PST.
For local times check here.
We encourage participation in the live calls to connect globally, generate energy and build a strong field of resonance for our shared intentions. There will be a time for personal sharing of prayers and intentions as part of both calls.
A recording of the live call will be sent to all who register.

Cynthia Jurs
Cynthia Jurs, is a Lama in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and a Dharmacharya in the Order of Interbeing of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. She is the guiding teacher at Open Way Sangha in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where she teaches a dharma path of sacred activism in response to the call of the Earth. In 1990 she made a life-changing pilgrimage to meet the hermit and meditation master, Kushok Mangden Charok Rinpoche, a 106-year-old lama living in a cave in Nepal, from whom she received the practice of the Earth Treasure Vases. Cynthia’s nonprofit, Alliance for the Earth is dedicated to facilitating a global community committed to planetary healing and collective awakening through the Earth Treasure Vase Global Healing Project and is also engaged in numerous mindfulness-based peace-building and women’s empowerment efforts in Liberia, Africa. Cynthia is currently at work on a book and film entitled, Summoned By The Earth.
David Nicol
David T. Nicol, Ph.D., is the executive director and co-founder of the Gaiafield Project, and co-founder of BeThePeace and WiseUSA, two initiatives that have united tens of thousands of people worldwide for large-scale meditations dedicated to social change. He is the author of Subtle Activism: The Inner Dimension of Social and Planetary Transformation (SUNY Press), the first comprehensive study of the idea that focused collective meditation and intention can contribute powerfully and measurably to social change. David has taught on Subtle Activism at the California Institute of Integral Studies, The Shift Network, and the Institute for Subtle Activism. With his life partner Kate, David is the co-founder of Earth Rising, a growing global movement to harness the power of coherent group consciousness for profound personal and planetary transformation.

with the white lions and lionesses of tsau

A message from Shelley Ostroff
"The White Lions are the holiest animals on the African Continent. Some of our people believe that if you kill the White Lions,
the whole of Africa will cease to exist." (Sanusi), Credo MutwaAfrica’s primary wisdom keeper and living library.
Words of wisdom by Indigenous record keeper, Credo Mutwa, shared with Linda Tucker in the 90s
in support of her appointed capacity the “Keeper of the White Lions”.
It is with great pleasure that we dedicate The 7 Days of Rest, this year and all years,
to the Great Teachers and Majestic Leaders of the vibration of Sacred Relationship,
the White Lions and Lionesses of Tsau,
and to Linda Tucker (who in 1999 was given the mantel, “Keeper of the White Lions” from Maria Khosa) and Jason A. Turner, for their work in protecting and honouring these Majestic Beings and in bringing their wisdom to the world in their own LionHearted word and action.
Linda Tucker and Jason A. Turner, Founders of the Global White Lion Protection Trust, have together pioneered challenging frontiers of Science and Sacred Science to ensure the survival and flourishing of the White Lions as a conservation and cultural heritage.
In November 2012 I was called in a vision by Mandla, the White Lion king. He appeared in the vision and said simply "Come Now!" This call was clear, and I followed.
A decade before this powerful call I had read the book Mystery of the White Lions. This source material was delivered to the world by Linda Tucker in 2001, after a decade of prior research and first hand knowledge of the importance of the White Lions, combined with her pioneering efforts to ensure their survival and wellbeing.
The meeting with Mandla, Zihra, and the Pride of White Lionesses and Lions, and with Linda Tucker and Jason Turner, revealed to me the essence of Sacred Relationship in action. It has become the compass of my life's work ever since. The 7 Days of Rest global event is one such expression of my own enhanced journey of service ignited during the visit and the Winter solstice of December 2012.
I later discovered that I was among a growing number of individuals across the world whose lives have been touched by the White Lions and Lionesses, and who have been called to their wisdom in different ways.

One of the key challenges of our time is restoring the balance and sacred relationship of the Masculine and Feminine with each other and with all of Creation.
Cultivating this Sacred Relationship is one of the foundational lessons of the White Lions and Lionesses.
When one recognizes the exquisite mutually honouring and loving communication between the males and females and their refined mutual support and complementary role-taking in service of their own pride and of the entire ecosystem, one finds a powerful role model for the sacred relationship of the masculine and feminine coming together in loving union and uncompromising service of the larger home, our entire planetary ecosystem.
Mandla and Zihra reflected this relationship as do Linda Tucker and Jason A. Turner.
"We serve by healing: and regenerate by simply returning to a natural , healthy way of living that is conscious of our fundamental connection with nature. Since Mother Nature restores, by serving her we restore our own wellness." Linda Tucker, LionHearted Leadership: The 13 Laws
The mysterious nature of the White Lions and Lionesses and their unique role on the planet at this time is gradually being revealed as more and more people pay attention to their profound wisdom and True Majestic Leadership in service of all of Life.
In her groundbreaking book "Mystery of the White Lions" Linda Tucker takes us through her own extraordinary story through her first encounters to her path of receiving the mantle of Guardian of the White Lions and with them, working to restore Sacred Relationship with and among all of Creation.
“After being rescued from a life-threatening encounter with lions in the Timbavati game region by a medicine woman known as the ‘Lion Queen”, Linda Tucker embarks on a journey into the mysteries of the most sacred animal on the African continent: the legendary White Lion. It is a mystical jouney into the knowledge and ceremonies of Old Africa, in which humans and lions are able to cross the species barrier – in accordance with the most guarded secrets of Ancient Egypt and humankind’s greatest riddle, the sphinx. It is also a living journey.”
In her Recent book, LionHearted Leadership: The 13 Laws, Linda brings us insight into the binding principles that guide the Majesty of the Animal Kingdom in maintaining the conditions for all Life to flourish. By articulating these laws she provides powerful guidelines for the LionHearted leadership required from humanity at this time.

In the midst of a global lion crisis that treats Panthera leo as a killing commodity in cross-border trade, the founders of the Global White Lion Protection Trust have been dedicatedly modelling solutions over three decades. Their initiative combines cultural and conservation strategies, anchored in this ancient natural Sacred Site, centered on the Nile Meridian.
It is here that this pioneering project operates, in the very heart of the White Lions ancestral and natural territories, at the epicenter of South Africa´s Kruger to Canyons ecosystem: a UNESCO Biosphere region, which is one of the world’s last viable lion ranges.
The Global White Lion Protection Trust was founded in 2002 by pioneering conservationist, Linda Tucker and then established together with the expertise of specialist lion ecologist, Jason A. Turner. Its foundation represents a decade of prior first-hand research into the cultural beliefs and lion pride dynamics of this region.
Over the decades, where local government has failed, this NPO has raised millions of dollars in order to purchase approx. 4400 acres of Protected Area in the Heartlands of the Kruger to Canyons Biosphere - the White Lions’ original home range - thus ensuring their safety. This Protected Area is called “Tsau" (meaning StarLion)
From this remote location, this initiative engages some of the most critical issues of our times, not only in relation to Lions, Land and People, but also addresses the climate crisis, combining leading edge science with ancient indigenous knowledge systems to help save species.
The Global White Lion Protection Trust, does the work and shoulders the costs for this essential work. In any healthy governance system, this work would be recognized as a priority to ensure the health of the local and global ecosystem on which we all depend.
Linda Tucker Ted Talk: Ignite your LionHeart. I speak for the Lions!
In the midst of a crisis, Linda Tucker’s LionHearted story inspires others to step-up and change their lives:
Ask not what the White Lions can do for you. What can you do for the White Lions.
DONATE: The Day of Freedom campaign helps to realistically quantify the costs carried by this extraordinary life-giving project and offers you an opportunity to make a real difference.
SIGN: AVAAZ petition which demands that the White Lions be protected by international law

an invitation for rest and reflection
with the essence of sacred relationship
As we enter through the White Lion and Lioness Gateway of the 7 Days of Rest and Reflection, the Gateway of Sacred Relationship of the Masculine and Feminine with each other and with all of Creation, we invite you to reflect on the nature of the relationship of:
Sun and Moon,
Mandla and Zihra
Jason A. Turner and Linda Tucker
Your Inner Masculine and Your Inner Feminine
We invite you to sense into the nature of the relationship of Sun and Moon, Mandla and Zihra, Jason A. Turner and Linda Tucker and your own Inner Masculine and Feminine and the ways in which they bring all of themselves in mutual nourishment with each other and in service of their local ecosystems and all of Creation.
How do the Feminine and Masculine manifest in these relationships as a mutually nourishing ecosystem within a larger ecosystem - nourishing and nourished by the ecosystem of which they are part?
As you spend time, sensing into these relationships, what insights, inspirations, visions, art forms emerge from this reflection - this mirror?
How does this mirror inspire you to transform your own relationship with yourself and the world around you?
If you wish to share your insights with the larger community, please do so on our community sharing space and inspire our own 7 Days of Rest and Reflection ecosystem.

The Planetary Wisdom of the Lions and Lionesses:
This article is written in support of the pioneering work undertaken by Linda Tucker and Jason A. Turner, whose reintroduction of the White Lions as Capstone Animal to their endemic habitat against great odds holds the key to ecosystem restoration.
Understanding the ecological and evolutionary function of animals requires moving beyond mainstream scientific language to a more integrative vibrational language. This vibrational language takes into account the spectrum of cosmic and embodied intelligences as well as recent holographic insights as to the nature of consciousness.
The lions and lionesses hold the most integrative and evolved forms of consciousness of land animals on the planet. As apex predators, they have internalised and metabolised all other aspects of creation into their internal physiological environment. They have evolved a harmonious, energetic structure where each part of the holographic fabric of life has its accurate place in the microcosmic holographic internal environment of the lion and lioness. Visibly, their golden or white golden fur reflect and embody this integrative, radiant vibration.
The integrative, harmonious, graceful and powerful vibration of the lions and lionesses has been acknowledged intuitively by humans throughout time, and as such, they are considered the royalty and majesty of the animal kingdom. In mythology and iconography from across the world, humans have recognized the fundamental ecological role of the lions of vitalizing and harmonizing the environment. On a conscious level however, we have not yet come to this vibrational understanding. Our recognition of the majesty, power and heartfulness of the lions is far more intuitive and poetic than can emerge from a purely rational or scientific approach to knowledge.
From a vibrational perspective the lions can be seen as being in constant listening and communicating mode with the environment. They listen and communicate in a way that cultivates the most harmonious dynamic and flourishing ecological balance so that all unique differentiated parts of the interconnected whole can thrive.
When the lions and lionesses live in freedom in their natural habitat, they receive complex holographic environmental information, metabolize it within themselves, balance the imbalances and integrate the new information into ever increasing, rich, golden vibrational radiance. They then transmit that informational frequency throughout the environment so that all beings may flourish. Despite their power, the lions and lionesses take no more than they need at any given time. They thus ensure the full vitality of all the different parts of the eco-system, without prejudice or privilege. This is one of the qualities shown in myths about lions and it is the evidence that we also witness in nature.
Where lions thrive other species thrive. The lions and lionesses have created within themselves these exquisite harmonious internal eco-systems that access and balance the different dimensions of life on the planet. They process the shifts in the environment, harmonize these shifts within themselves as much as possible, and then transmit the vibration of “harmony in diversity” to the surroundings. To serve this regulatory function for the planet they need to roam freely. When lions roam freely, fauna and flora are in balance. Given the planet functions as an interconnected living eco-system, the freedom of the lions and lionesses to roam freely as nature intended is crucial for our global well-being.
The lion population is under serious threat due to the horrific canned lion industry. It is an imperative for human survival, morality and evolution to ensure that the lions and lionesses roam freely in order to restore the sacred balance of life to the planet.
The Planetary Wisdom of the Lions and Lionesses was originally published on Together in Creation, in March 2014

Extinction Rebellion is an international grassroots movement of concerned citizens engaging in nonviolent civil disobedience to hold governments accountable for criminal inaction on the ecological crisis, and to create the conditions for a new form of citizen-led stewardship to emerge.
We are thrilled that the Extinction Rebellion has joined hands with 7 Days of Rest and Reflection to co-create a global New Year, Protect and Honour Life Campaign.
George Monbiot's Speech at Parliament Square on October 31st, 2018, the Day of the Declaration of Rebellion.
Extinction Rebellion is committed to creating a Regenerative Culture - this means cultivating a culture of care and cooperation, with each other and with all Life.
The power of mass intention may ultimately be the force that shifts the tide toward repair and renewal of the planet.
~ Lynne McTaggart
The Protect and Honour Life Campaign invites the global XR movement to organize events demonstrating our personal and collective commitment to protect and honour the Foundations of Life: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Biodiversity, Climate and the Web of Life.
Each day will be dedicated to one of the foundations. For each foundation, individuals and groups are invited to offer local and/or online events – meditations, ceremonies, art, sacred activism, webinars, solutions and more.
The Protect and Honour Life Campaign offers a life-affirming and regenerative complement to the current focus of nonviolent action that highlights the failure of our political and economic systems and our ecocidal trajectory.
The Protect and Honour Campaign aligns with and builds on a worldwide event called 7 Days of Rest and Reflection – the 2nd annual co-creative event dedicated to the healing of the planet and all its inhabitants. This global event is already supported by many international partners from diverse sectors.
It is suggested that individuals, groups and events sign up through the 7 Days of Rest website in order to help the global community to unify, and for relevant communications about the global evolution of the event to reach all participants – however this is not essential. The primary goal is for us to unite and self-organize in reflection, intention and action for the protection and healing of the planet and all its inhabitants.


Open suggestions for daily events:
Opening declaration (example): We are gathered here together to declare our commitment to honour and protect (this element).
5 minutes about the essential role of this element and its unique place in the interconnected whole.
5 minutes about humanity’s disconnection from and abuse of this element.
5 minutes on existing solutions and the need for immediate widespread education about this element throughout the education system and mainstream media.
The voice of Children, Elders and Indigenous about these elements.
A demand for governments to ensure that these elements are protected and honoured by law without compromise.
5 minutes of guided meditation inviting people to commune with the element in their imagination (including inviting people to sense into the element within them – in nature – recognizing the part it plays in our everyday life, the impact on us – our impact on them – and what the element reveals as we pay attention to it.) The guided meditation encourages a more personal connection with each element.
An invitation to reflect on: What does the element need from humanity in order to function optimally in the planetary ecosystem?
Music dedicated to this element.
A silent meditation/prayer space for each individual to honour this element in their unique way.
Together silently envisioning a world where this element is honoured by all – inviting it in – what would it look like? How would it feel?
A personal, collective vocal commitment: eg. “I, (my name) pledge to protect and honour water and to do what I can to ensure that we uncompromisingly restore water to nature’s perfect form.”