
Invitation to hold a personal Transition Ceremony at the end of your day

an invitation for rest and reflection with
On the 7th Day of 7 Days of Rest and Reflection we honour the Web of Life. Sacred Ritual Holder Daiara Tukano offers a blessing for the Web of Life from the Brazilian Rainforest. With deep gratitude to Daiara Tukanoand Marianne Soisalo
In honour of the transition from 7 Days of Rest and Reflection 2019, we share this offering for evolving Eco-Governance ~ a new and healthy way of organizing ourselves as a species aligned with the Vitality Code of Nature.
Learning to live in alignment with all Life involves applying the reality of our fundamental interconnectedness with the foundations of Life to how we redesign our governance and social systems. It also involves conscientiously restoring and cultivating the sacred relationship of the Masculine and Feminine with each other and with the entire Web of Life.
For an article about evolving Eco-Governance and the Vitality Code, please visit
On this 7th day of the 7 Days of Rest and Reflection we honour the Web of Life and all of Creation. As we begin to transition through the gateway of this event, we bring with us the experience of these days into the New Year and into a new way of Being.
At this gateway we have been gifted a blessing from Birthing companion and Sacred Ritual Holder Alex Khula from Bali. She shares with us a blessing for what we are collectively birthing with these 7 days, January 1 - 7, 2019, and with it, a prayer for the return of Birthing as a sacred rite of passage.
Guided meditation: Resting and Reflecting with the Web of Life
Offered by Shelley Ostroff
Reflection offerings and practices for the day - Shelley Ostroff
Intentional invitation: There are many ways to connect with the Web of Life. Sense into the way in which you would like to deepen your relationship with the Web of Life today. How can you best create the conditions for this to manifest.
Breathing with the Web of Life: Sense into your breath and how the Air that is moving through you is connected with the Air that is moving through Mother Earth and the entire Web of Life. Sense yourself as one small part of this vast living body, the heart breathing as one – the breath breathing as one. What do you notice?
Sensing the Web of Life: Sense into the invisible threads of Life that connect: between you and all of Life, between you and the elements, between you and the infinite forms of biodiversity on the planet, between you and other humans across the world,between you and those humans and non-human beings close to you, between the younger you, and you now, and you that is yet to unfold. Sense into the spiral threads of light that travel within you and through you. Sense into the Source of these threads, sense into their path to you and through you.
Embodying the Web of Life: Shifting your attention from the diverse forms of Biodiversity, allow yourself to become the threads that connect these Life forms - the movement - the dynamic dance of connectivity.What does it feel like to become the threads and patterns that connect between you and the Whales, between you and the eagles, between you and the bees and other life forms? Sense into the threads of Life and Light that connect you to a tree that you love – a flower – a fruit. How do these subtle vibrations shift as you shift perspectives from threads that connect you to one form of Life and another? How many threads can you feel simultaneously moving through you connecting you to the elements and the different forms of Life.
The Web of Humanity: Sense into the threads that connect you to the diverse human family, near and far. What do you notice as you embody and move like the web that connects the human family with each other? In what ways do these threads feel similar and/or different to those that connect you with other species? In what ways do the threads that connect among humans feel similar to or different from those that connect among other species? Expand your sense of the threads to become the meta-web that connects all of these threads simultaneously.
Nourishing the Web of Life: The Vitality Code: Nourishment is the basic language of Life. Sense into how each part of the web nourishes and is nourished by all other parts. Sense into how nourishment is the active energy of information that moves through the system, as it is digested through the system in different ways. How are you nourished by the Web of Life? How do you nourish the Web of Life?
Reflecting the Web of Life: Sense into the way in which the web of Life is impacted by your thoughts and actions. Sense into how the Web of Life is impacted by the thought patterns and actions of your culture. How does human consciousness impact the web of life? How do you impact the web of Life in your everyday activities – how does the web of Life impact you as you go about your daily life? What do you depend on – what do you take for granted?
Web of Life and Consciousness: Sense into the Web of Consciousness that connects us with each other and with the consciousness of other species. What does it look like in your imagination? What does it feel like when you sense into the wavelengths that exist in subtle dimensions connecting us in thought, feeling and experience.
Messages from Web of Life: Imagine yourself in the presence of the essence of the Web of Life and that it has a message for you personally. What is the Web of Life showing you? What can you learn from the Web of Life, by becoming more like it? What is the message the Web of Life wants you to offer to humanity through you?
Messages for the Web of Life: Sensing deeper and deeper into your ever-present relationship with the Web of Life, what is the message that you would like to offer Web of Life? What would you like to tell the Web of Life, if it could speak your language?
Art from the Heart of the Web of Life: Sense into the way in which this dialogue with the Web of Life wants to express itself through the Heartist in you in any art form you wish. Offer your own Heartful offering to the Heart of the Web of Life.
What do you need from the Web of Life - What does it need from you?
Meditations and Practices
Gateway Meditation
7th January 2019
Offered by
Cynthia Jurs
David Nicol
Sacred Ritual Holders, Cynthia Jurs and David Nicol have led two “gateway” meditations on the first and last days of the the 7 Days of Rest and Reflection.
TreeSisters: Guided Meditation
1-7 January 2019
Daily Quote and Meditation
Offered by
Clare Dubois
'May we rest in intimacy with all of life. May we become aware of the interconnectedness of all things, and our role as creators and protectors. As we still shred the fabric of life, may we start to fall into wakefull astonishment of the miracle that we're woven into, and recognize the privilege of our own ability to restore relationship with the web of life and to live in ways that regenerate, strengthen, honour and respect the sacred ecology that lives and breathes us. May we learn from the tapestry of the forest floor how to co-exist in radical generosity, supporting each other, nurturing each other into the fullest expressions that we were all born to be.'
Meditation The Web Of Life ~ Entering the circle (1hr 23mins)

Art credit to Flora Aube an artist partner
to TreeSisters
Meditation with the animals:
1-7 January
Daily Meditation
Offered by
AnimalTalk Africa​
Animal communicator: Wynter Worsthorne is based in Cape Town and has been practicing as a Professional Animal Communicator since 2002. She is the author of "Where is Biggles?" and teaches introduction and advanced workshops internationally. Wynter is a trustee of Baboon Matters Trust and works closely with the Global White Lion Protection Trust.

These exquisite meditations with the animals by 7 different animal communicators, were first offered during 7 Days of Rest, 2018 and are generously made available for participants this year as well.
Reiki Meditation
1-7 January 2019
Daily Meditation
Offered by
Linda Linker Rosenthal
7 Days of Joy - Daily Practice
1-7 January
Daily Practice
Offered by
Halina Goldstein
Joy Keepers Network
Start 2019 With 7 Days Of Joy! Get a simple yet powerful joy practice that only takes a minute and do it each morning for the first 7 days of 2019.

Planetary Womb Wisdom Meditation
Join us for this beautiful meditation and time of conscious connection to receive the loving support and wisdom from the Womb Space of Mother Earth, facilitated by Anneloes Smitsman and the EARTHwise Centre Team. During this sacred meditation we will also honour and give support to the Web of Life and All our Relatives. This online meditation is offered in support of the 7 Days of Rest Events from 1-7 January 2019.
For more info see FB Event.

In the Womb of the Mother
1-7 January
Daily Practices
Offered by
Yulia Jai Ma
In times when our Earth and Our Spirits are in such a need of healing, She rises ... Great Mother stretches her arms toward her children, asking from us to ReMember Her, to see Her for what She is, to Adore her for who She really is, to finally realise that through this kind of radical and all embracing love we will birth through Her in us a new kind of Human consciousness, the Christ consciousness, sacred Divine child of the world. We will spend those 7 days in deepening in silence and presence of the Mother, as an archetype of

Mother Mary, silence and presence of the Mother, as an archetype of mother Mary, liberated from the religious limitation of Patriarchy. Helping Her to birth Earth keepers and Love workers in us, to assist Her in restoring and healing of our world.
Practices will include meditation, prayers, chants and sacred ceremonies. As well as audio recordings, where I will dive into the mysteries of Her Wisdom .
All will be published on the event FB page every day at the same time.
This online immersion is open and free for anyone, who wishes to offer Her/Himself to the Great Mystery of love.
For more info and the program see PDF.
Light Warriors - Music Live Stream
1-7 January 2019
Daily Live Stream
Offered by
Light Warriors
Erik Rabaska
Daily improvised musical and vibrational offering from the Light Warriors inspired by the elements.
Mystic Voice
1-7 January 2019
Daily Sacred Chant
Offered by
Mystic Voice
The soothing and meditative chanting of Lixin (pronounced Li-shin) stems from a deep spiritual connection to the ancient texts that inspire her music, such as the Tao Te
Ching, the Buddhist Sutras, the Sanskrit Vedas or Rumi, the Persian poet and mystic.
Lixin’s healing voice and unique interpretation of those sacred words of wisdom infuse them with meaning and power, felt strongly by listeners from across the globe, even without understanding a single word.
Lixin has offered a specific chant for each of the 7 days.
Online Events
Message from the Wolves
1-7 January
Daily Sharing
Offered by
Kim Kapes
Day 7 of 7 Days Of Rest
It’s our final day together on this journey of welcoming in a wonderful new year! As I dress in honor of our ancestors who have ingrained a knowledge deep within us that is there for us to remember, know that the Web Of Life is all around us and part of us. I leave you with these words to ponder...
“Our journey in this world is a precious one. One to be enjoyed, shared, respected, and valued.
Live each day with gratitude, work toward a reverent awareness of everything that is around you, allow the feelings of connection to be within you. Smile and have fun. Then you shall honor your creation into this life.” -Kim Kapes
Good of the Whole - Rest in Loving Wholeness
1-7 January 2019
Daily offerings
Offered by
Good of the Whole
Hosted by Shelley Darling & Resonance Stewards
Day 7: The Web of Life - Rest in Loving Wholeness ​
Contemplative Life & Brahma Kumaris Worldwide
1-7 January
Daily Live on Zoom
Offered by
Contemplative Life
Brahma Kumaris worldwide
Smiling Buddha Meditation - Karuna
Facebook Live with Deva Premal & Miten
Gayatri Mantra Global Meditation - Day 7
om bhur bhuvah svaha
tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yonah prachodayat
Meditating upon the adorable, enchanting and radiant source of all things, we awaken to the divine light of pure consciousness.
Loving Waters - Daily Live Zoom
1-7 January 2019
Offered by
Loving Waters
DAY 7 Loving Waters ~7 Days of Rest & Reflection Closing Water Ceremony:
The Web of Life Hosting Water Stewards: Loving Waters Council and Friends
Together we love, honor and celebrate what is most sacred, in gratitude for the Source of Life itself ~ Our Living Water and beloved Mother Earth ~
The Future is Indigenous: Indigenous Environmentalism 101
1-7 January 2019
Daily Posts
Offered by
Shaylon Blair Stolk
A series of mini-essays on indigenous environmentalism, along with resources for further information and more cultural perspectives about the importance of indigenous knowledge to saving life on Earth. Content will be posted to this page.

Energy Ball for Peace Ceremony
6th January 2019
Any time
Offered by
Jeffrey Goldstein
Day of Biodiversity ~ Part of the 7 Days of Rest and Reflection* event
Distance Radiant Gathering ~ from wherever you are ~ you can participate by yourself or invite friends to join you.
Spiritually helping human beings live in harmony with each other and the sacred planet we live on.
Every Sunday since the year 2000, Radiant Human Beings, have been joining together, feeding the collective vibration of Peace.
Our purpose is to hold a space for Peaceful vibrations to flow throughout the Middle East, assisting in calming down the collective vibrational tension in this Sacred and challenged region of Planet Earth.
More info see also FB Event.
Devotional Joy with Deva Premal & Miten
As part of the Global 7 Days Of Rest And Reflection Sommer Joy Ramer, Co-Founder of Compassion Games & Synergized Impact Network Exchange has invites you to join Deva Premal and Miten in singing devotional JOY Gayatri Mantra January 1st through January 7th at 1:00PM PST - 1:30PM PST in rest. The intention of this event is to pulse a meaningful 30 minutes of rest and devotional joy as a powerful way to begin 2019 together.
How can you join?
1. Sommer Joy Ramer will be sharing the Deva Premal FB Live daily on CGI FB Page & FB Group, Personal Stream, and SINE FB Page. You can also RSVP for Deva & Premal Mittens FB Event and watch for the livestream from there too. https://m.facebook.com/events/353195958574148/
2. Join by listening and also sharing the stream on your pages too.
3. Reflection can be sharing your reflections in comments of the live stream in a video, image, and or written reflections. You can also amplify your reflections on the Global Compassion Report Map from where ever you are as Team 7 Days Of Rest at reports.compassiongames.org
7 Days of Rest - Hyderabad, India
1-7 January 2019
Daily Activities
Offered by
Chindu and SAFA
Chindu, a cultural resource centre and SAFA a skill training centre working with Dalit, Muslim and other disadvantaged communities in Hyderabad are creating a 7 Day in-house event for their staff dedicated to the 7 Days of Rest and Reflection during which we will offer a daily program, working with different experiential modalities (arts, movement, playback theatre, meditation and more) to learn how to connect with the different elements individually and collectively for the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants.
7 Days of Rest - Deventer, The Netherlands
1-7 January 2019
Daily Activities
Offered by
Jannah Wijffels
& Via Natura
7 days retreat to recallibrate with mother earth. To restore the relationship with our resources. To redefine our goals and actions for 2019. To really commit to what we can do if we take full responsibility of what is happening in the world right now.
Free entrance.*
Weeklong extensive program!
To sign up, you can send an email to: info@jannahwijffels.nl
For more information about the event in Dutch, see Facebook event page.
7 Day's of Rest and Reflection - The Hague, The Netherlands
1-7 January 2019
Opened Daily
from 1 PM-7 PM
Offered by New Humanity Dojo
The New Humanity Dojo wants to contribute to the 7 Days of Rest and Reflection and offers the space for you to do that in communion, in connection with your fellow evolutionaries.
We want to create an environment together of 'Existential Relaxation' and we invite you to together with us sink into a deeper relaxation than you ever have experienced before.
Everyday of the week will have a different quality of 'Existental Relaxation' and we will keep that quality (lightly) in our awareness as the theme of the day.
The day will be co-created in the moment by the people that feel called to be there and show up in their wholeness, their full humanness.
We start the day with an opening circle and sense into what is in our awareness. We then let the day unfold into and from 'Existential Relaxation' and the engagement with the abundant qualities in each and every one of us that come from that.
Sacred Circle and Meditation - Granada, Spain
1-7 January
Daily Ceremony
Offered by
Grian A. Cutanda
We will pay tribute to all the elements and beings of nature through a daily ceremony in the four directions, earth and sky, and we will accompany it with a meditation within the sacred circle on that foundation of Life that is dedicated every day.
Ubuntu 7 Days of Rest - Earth Prayers - Cape Town South Africa
1-7 January 2019
Daily Program
Offered by
Ubuntu Wellness
Ubuntu and 7 Days of Rest join in a global event to unite and activate consciousness for the good of the earth and all its creatures. Join us for a daily ceremony under the branches of Nokuphila, our sacred tree for prayer, meditation, singing and maybe even dancing to the rhythms of Her being. Our daily program is inspired by the Earth Prayers of Petra, a renowned spiritual ‘Heartist’whose incredible images are a harmonic meditation in themselves, conveying precise healing resonance for us individually and globally at this time.
Long Live the Amazon * 7 Days of Prayers for the Lungs of Earth - Brazil
1-7 January 2019
Daily Activities
Offered by
Marianne Soisalo
We, the Mariri crew, guests and artists in residence of the jungle lodge will be gathering together with our beautiful indigenous activist friend Daiara from the Tukano tribe on each of the days to pray and honour the Foundations of Life dedicated to the Amazon forest, now sadly threatened by a new ecocidal Brazilian government.
We invite the rest of the global community to remember this most important source of our most basic needs; oxygen and water and its inherent value to continue green and alive without being further plundered for resources by human interests.
7 Days of Rest Retreat - Tel Aviv, Israel
1-7 January 2019
Week long program
Offered by City Tree
7 Days of Rest Retreat
A week of rest, replenishment, reflection, urban ecology and preparation for activism at the CityTree Eco-Home in the heart of Tel-Aviv.
The retreat will be in Hebrew.
25 Bialik St., Tel Aviv - Israel
7 Days of Rest - Online sharings
1-7 January 2019
Week long sharing
Offered by
​Lïla Avery
Sharing an online space for seven days via FB and our blog with lavender themed insights, healing modalities and distillations.
Ritual for the 7 Elements of Life - Worcester, USA
1-7 January
Offered by
Shaun Bartone
Private DANCE Ritual for #XR Protect and Honor Life Campaign
Earth Healing
Worcester, MA, USA
7 Days of Reflection at Toberbeg Lodge - Dunlavin, Ireland
1-7 January 2019
Daily Activities
Offered by
Nick Bryson
A DAILY OPEN GATHERING SPACE GIVING THOSE WHO ATTEND THE CHANCE TO COMMIT TO PROTECT AND HONOUR EACH FOUNDATION OF LIFE (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Climate, Biodiversity, Web of Life) The daily event will take place for around 40 minutes at 4.30pm each day in Toberbeg Lodge. Nick and Signe will hold a space for people to come together around the shared intention of restoring our sacred relationship with the primary elements of Nature in community. From 1st January through to 7th January 2019 you are very welcome. Children welcome!
Toberbeg Lodge, Dunlavin, County Wicklow, Ireland
7 Days of Beauty
1-7 January 2019
Daily Video
Offered by
Jamie McHugh
A 7 day online series of 5 minute somatic-aesthetic contemplative pauses with music and images from the natural world for restoring balance. Each day, a new video will be posted on the 7 Days of Beauty FB page.
For more information see the Facebook event page and the 7 Days of Beauty Facebook page
7 Days of Craftivism - Brooklyn, USA
1-7 January 2019
Daily Activities
Offered by
On each day we are creating fabric objects with reflective poems or sayings to put out honoring each of the 7 concepts. They will be gifted to random places.
In Brooklyn, USA
Web of Life - Women Circle - Sacred Female Rising - Hildesheim, Germany
7th January
6 PM - 8 PM CET
Offered by
Germaid Ponge
Sacred Female Rising
An event to weave the web of life with Earth, Air, Water, Fire and to create a personal vision of the year 2019 for each participant. This vision is to create and live the balance with Mother Nature and Me.
Archive 2018
Invitation DAY 7 2018
​Offered by Shelley Ostroff
DAY SEVEN: Rest in Loving Grace – Reflections and practices - an invitation
1. Graceful song: Find a comfortable position and allow a song to come to you – allow yourself to sing it. What do you notice about the words and melody of the song? Play with the idea that the song that came spontaneously has an accurate message for you now? What is the message?
2. Review in wonder: In a comfortable position, allow your imagination to scan the experiences of the last 7 days, allowing them to reveal themselves to you like a movie on an inner screen. Allow yourself time with this, refreshing the experiences and allowing yourself to glean the insights. Write down notes for yourself of things you will want to remember.
3. Sacred relationship: Spend a few minutes sensing into the feminine aspect of yourself. Give her a voice, a movement, a gesture. How do you feel within you as you call upon the feminine to be present? What are the inner sensations? What happens to your facial expression and how you move, and how you speak? Now spend a few minutes sensing into the masculine aspect of yourself and follow the same guidelines. What have you noticed about the similarities and differences between the two? Bless the feminine and masculine aspects of yourself and invite them into a journey of evolution through which they learn how to dance together in sacred relationship? Imagine into what a more mature version of your feminine and masculine aspects would look like? What would it look like if they were to engage together in a mutually nourishing, complementary and honoring way. Agree to learn how to evolve this path for yourself as you continue to grow into all who you are.
5. Gratitude: Offer gratitude to yourself for allowing yourself the journey, and for being willing to be open to new adventures beneficial to yourself and to Mother Earth. Offer gratitude to the process and to the different teachers and friends you have encountered through the week in their different forms.
6. Service: Sense into all that has gone on behind the scenes in order to make this event happen, and into all the events and people from across the world joining to create a coherent field of intention and peaceful action for a thriving world for all.
7. Generosity: Consider how you would like to express your own generosity in the context of the event, what would you like to gift from yourself to support the 7 Days of Rest vision moving forward. How would you like to amplify what has been created?
8. Applied wisdom: What are some of the key insights and learnings you have received this week? How would you like to amplify them through practical action? What are some of your intentions for growth and transformation this year? What will you do for yourself? What will you do differently in relation to your family? What will you do differently in relation to the communities in which you live and work? What will you do differently in relation to those who you do not know? What will you do differently in relation to the animals, to the trees, to the water, to the planet?
9. Drawing wisdom: Do a drawing that represents where you are now and where you would like to be in a year from now? What do you notice in both?
10. Blessing of grace: Offer a prayer or blessing for yourself and the world. You may want to create a little ritual space for this – with objects that are significant for you – a candle, water, flowers, crystals, photographs etc.
Guided meditation DAY 7 2018
7th January 2018
Offered by
Shelley Ostroff
Tree Sisters Meditation - A Call to Dream
7th January 2018
Offered by
Clare Dubois
DAY 7: Belong
Do you long to feel so connected, grounded, centered and anchored in yourself that you become your own living transmission of life force aligned with all that is, belonging to Earth, and embodying your natural state as nature aware of itself?
This meditation guides us to seek our return to wholeness, belonging to Mother Gaia, each other and ourselves, embodying the restorer consciousness as the compass for a future where all life thrives.
Reflections and practices will be offered each day. Journalling the thoughts, images, dreams, emotions, sensations and experiences that arise throughout the entire week can deepen your journey and the process of healing and transformation.
Artist, Debra Bernier