Rest in Loving Senses
And we begin to surrender body and soul to the language of Life,
To the shapes and colors and smells
and tastes and textures
And sounds and sensations
Within and around us.
We notice the shifting interplay
of rhythm and patterns
That weave beneath and beyond -
A host of loving possibilities
Breathe through us,
Awakening us to honor their presence,
To engage in sacredness with their gifts.
We hold the rainbow spectrum
With awe and tenderness
As the creative energy stirs within us,
Waiting to unfurl in joyful, sensual service.
~ From the first 7 Days of Rest 2018

Reflections & Practices: Invitation to commune with the Essence of Resonance and the Resonant field of Essence
Offered by Shelley Ostroff
These daily reflections and practices invite you to commune with the essence and vibrations of the theme of the day. As you engage with these essences you are invited to deepen the dialogue with the essence through spontaneous journalling, visual art, sound and movement inspired by the communion. The creative journey with these essences over the week offers a profound portal into the mystery and medicine of "Return to Essence".

daily offerings

Wisdom and Prayers from The Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations
resonance with mindahi bastida, mexico

all our kin
Image from Water in response to the word "resonance" ~ offered by Crystallographer, Veda Austin

the listening field with danielea castell ~ embody essence with the nature elders ~ JOIN LIVE

walk with Wolves, kim kapes and the wolves at the in harmony with nature sanctuary

resonance: hoofbeats, heartbeats, & the music of our souls with Dr. jenna darko

the wisdom of the grandmothers with anita albright

offerings from the grandmothers and the net of light with sharon mcerlane
Veda is a water researcher, public speaker, mother, artist and author. She has dedicated the last 8 years observing and photographing the life of water. She believes that water is fluid intelligence, observing itself through every living organism on the planet and in the Universe. It is through her remarkable crystallographic photos that water reveals its awareness of not only Creation, but thought and intention through imagery.
You are invited to commune with these messages from Water and sense into what Water is communicating about these themes. You are invited to share your insights around this message from Water on the community platform. You can learn more about the ground-breaking work of Veda on her website: www.vedaaustin.com

the essence of stillness with hope fitzgerald

way to faerie

northern lights revelations with marieke anna

resonance with the
freedom farm sanctuary

the essence of climate with climate healers

meditation & immersive experiential journeys
The Weave Embodied Teachings with miramichelle

rest in the womb of creation… and be the flow with debra emanuelle

Igniting the Divine Mastery Presence of 2023
with Sri & Kira

Mini Meditative Musings with Linda Rosenthal

Living into Life with Cari Taylor
Global Coherence Pulse with teresa collins & friends

Being Essence with Stela Murizzi

Daily Reflections on Divine Mastery Presence of 2023 with Sri & Kira

soulfreeingsound with corina white feather

Poetry & Silence with Transformation 365 with jeff genung

wellness and embodied practices

guided rest for the whole family with mira binzen
The Essence of Nourishment with Tami Hay

breathing with the planet: somatic contemplation & natureneingart

“Opening the flow” QiGong practice
with adele smith & the willow tree

for daily reflection
Reflections & Practices: Offered by Shelley Ostroff
These daily reflections and practices invite you to commune with the essence and vibrations of the theme of the day. As you engage with these essences you are invited to deepen the dialogue with the essence through spontaneous journalling, visual art, sound and movement inspired by the communion. The creative journey with these essences over the week offers a profound portal into the mystery and medicine of "Return to Essence".
RESONANCE: An invitation to commune in a quiet space with the Essence of Resonance and the resonant field of Essence
What does it feel like when you "resonate" with something or someone? How does the gift of resonance with another feel to you mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, energetically?
In a quiet space, offer yourself an opportunity to reflect on your life at the moment. What makes your heart come alive? What makes you feel more vital and energized? What feels more resonant with your inner truth, your essence and calling? What feels less resonant? How can attending to this compass of resonance inform your choices and support your health and evolution and inform your choices?
What would it look like in your life to make choices that resonate with your the core of your being and the wellbeing of the all? What are the stories, the noise, habits and the distractions that need to be to shed for this to happen? What practices and behaviors want to be amplified? What wants to be transformed, and what potential pathways reveal themselves as you slow down, simplify and attune to the language of essence?
Sense into how pristine Nature resonates with the original codes and integrity of Life itself. What would be needed personally and collectively to "de-noise our systems" and restore this natural resonance with our own essence integrity and the wellbeing of all Life?
Sense into how resonance acts as a primary organizing intelligence in Nature. How does the 'vibrational intelligence' of resonance guide all aspects of Nature to organize in ways that ensure all parts of the whole receive what they need to manifest their unique potential in mutual nourishment with all of Life (The Vitality Code)?
Spend some quiet time in Nature attuning your vibrational field to other-than-human Nature beings whose resonance fields are still held in integrity. As you sit quietly in communion, listen with the fullness of your own being as you extend a heartful intention and communication. Notice what happens in the resonant field that evolves in this communion.
In what ways has modern human culture and our ways of engaging with information in all forms undermined our experience of resonance in our everyday lives - and what do you sense is the impact of this?
What would it look like to cultivate your own "resonance intelligence" as a compass for nuanced discernment and decision making? How can we cultivate a culture that, from a young age, supports the development of our embodied wisdom and our resonance compass?
Imagine what it would look like ~ what it would feel like in a world where all humans were living in integrity and resonance with their unique essence and the health and vitality of the planet and all its inhabitants. How can we co-create this reality ~ and how can the different offerings and gateways in this 7 Days of Rest & Return to Essence event contribute to manifesting a world of heartful resonance?
Sense into how a collective clear life-serving vision and purpose can create a resonant field that acts like a magnetic attractor aligning us in across our differences in service of that which is most nourishing and essential for all of Life. What is your Life purpose and how does it resonate with the the health and well-being of all Life?
How does the journey of Return to Essence support the medicine of resonance personally and collectively?