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Rest in Loving Movement

And we give ourselves to the moment

To the movement

That knows the way.

And the waves pulsate intimately through our veins

In the core of our being.

A calling . . .

A direction is being woven,

A commitment of love’s meeting,

Calling us beyond reason

A call of passion,

Of hope

Of compassion and contribution

To the richness of our co-creative wholeness

And the nourishing interplay 

Of all that moves with love

From the first 7 Days of Rest 2018

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Reflections & Practices: Invitation to commune with the Essence of Resonance and the Resonant field of Essence

Offered by Shelley Ostroff

These daily reflections and practices invite you to commune with the essence and vibrations of the theme of the day. As you engage with these essences you are invited to deepen the dialogue with the essence through spontaneous journalling, visual art, sound and movement inspired by the communion. The creative journey with these essences over the week offers a profound portal into the mystery and medicine of "Return to Essence".

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daily offerings

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Wisdom and Prayers from The Mother Earth Delegation of United Original Nations

radiance with tutu manulele, hawaii

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all our kin

Image from Water in response to the word "radiance" ~ offered by Crystallographer, Veda Austin


Veda is a water researcher, public speaker, mother, artist  and author. She has dedicated the last 8 years observing and photographing the life of water. She believes that water is fluid intelligence, observing itself through every living organism on the planet and in the Universe. It is through her remarkable crystallographic photos that water reveals its awareness of not only Creation, but thought and intention through imagery.

You are invited to commune with these messages from Water and sense into what Water is communicating about these themes. You are invited to share your insights around this message from Water on the community platform. You can learn more about the ground-breaking work of Veda on her website:


the listening field with danielea castell ~ embody essence with the nature elders ~ JOIN LIVE


the essence of stillness with hope fitzgerald ~ JOIN LIVE


walk with Wolves, kim kapes and the wolves at the in harmony with nature sanctuary


way to faerie


radiance: expression and expansion of the heart with Dr. jenna darko ~ JOIN LIVE


northern lights revelations with marieke anna ~ JOIN LIVE


elephant hour with annette haddaway and anita valala


radiance with the

freedom farm sanctuary 


offerings from the grandmothers and the net of light with sharon mcerlane


the essence of climate with climate healers

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meditation & immersive experiential journeys


The Weave Embodied Teachings with miramichelle


rest in the womb of creation… and be the flow with debra emanuelle


Igniting the Divine Mastery Presence of 2023

with Sri & Kira


Living into Life with Cari Taylor


Mini Meditative Musings with Linda Rosenthal


"Voicing the Trees" with the sangha drummers


Global Coherence Pulse - 7 Days of Rest & Return to Essence


journey back to nature with gail thomas


Daily Reflections on the divine mastery presence of 2023 with sri & kira


Being Essence with Stela Murizzi


Poetry & Silence with Transformation 365  with diane berke


tending to our sacred feminine earth soul with christa mackinnon


Radiance in the New Year | Reviving the Global Heart Practice with joe weston

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wellness and embodied practices




The Essence of Nourishment with Tami Hay 


guided rest for the whole family with mira binzen

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for daily reflection

Reflections & Practices: Offered by Shelley Ostroff

These daily reflections and practices invite you to commune with the essence and vibrations of the theme of the day. As you engage with these essences you are invited to deepen the dialogue with the essence through spontaneous journalling, visual art, sound and movement inspired by the communion. The creative journey with these essences over the week offers a profound portal into the mystery and medicine of "Return to Essence".


radiance : An invitation to commune in a quiet space with the Essence of Radiance and the Radiance of Essence.


  • ​Invite in the consciousness of radiance to be present with you. What are the images and sensations that arise? Imagine yourself embodying the essence of radiance in the moment - how does radiance feel, how does radiance move?

  • Consider for a moment Essence, as a radiant, unadulterated primary Life force - a force of pure love. Sense into how that which is essence is luminescent in its simplicity, authenticity, integrity, fertility and vitality. With this picture in mind, in what ways is the journey of Return to Essence also a return to embodying and revealing our innate radiance that is an expression of our true nature glowing from within?

  • Imagine the journey of Return to Essence as an intentional process of releasing all that which you have accumulated in your lifestyle, habits, thought patterns, judgments, bodies, and belief systems that is not congruent with the Life Force of your true nature - all that covers and conceals your inner light. What does this reflection inspire in you? What would the first steps of this journey look like for you as you step forward into the New Year, into the New You?

  • Imagine yourself living an expression of your fullest most radiant potential. What would that look like, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, energetically? 

  • Reflect on the nature of the radiance of the Sun and of the Moon. How do they nurture each other's radiance and how can this inspire us to think about the active and receptive qualities of our own radiance in sacred relationship with others?

  • Sense into the amplified field of radiance of one circulating with the radiance of another - seeing and being seen in their radiance. Imagine yourself as a clear vessel through which the fullest radiance of your essence shines forth. Imagine the clarity of your vessel able to perceive, receive and reflect back the radiance of others in mutually nourishing ways. What does this look like - feel like? 

  • Connect to your light body, that manifests through the density of your physical body.  Sense into how your own radiance is related to the quality of light that you ingest ~ the food, ideas, sunlight, air, emotions, water, relationships, etc. How do you nourish and cleanse your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and energetic body as a vessel for your fullest radiance to shine forth? What practices are you ready to adopt to nourish and cleanse the vessel of your essence - the Life Force flowing and emanating from within?

  • Consider how radiance is a reflection of right relationship with energy that is reflected in one's state of health and vitality. Pristine Nature processes energy in efficient and vitalizing ways that are in integrity and mutual nourishment with all of Life. Consider how as humans our relationship with energy and fire is disconnected from the vitality code of reciprocal and mutually nourishing energy exchange that creates abundance for all. Sense into how individually and collectively we can restore right relationship with energy as a foundation for our collective healing.

  • Notice the cycles in Nature - times of cultivating the light within and times of manifesting this light in the outer world ~ times of incubation and inner illumination and times of emergence and expression. Notice how these cycles support each other are essential in the journey of regeneration and evolution. What can we learn from this about nurturing the fullness of our essence and of our radiance?

  • Sense into how the radiance of the Sun - the Source of all radiance, enlivens and vitalizes the radiance of all beings.  Imagine how we individually and collectively can cultivate this vital and vitalizing radiance and learn to shine our light in ways that illuminate the radiance of others.

  • Imagine a world where all of humanity and all of Life lives the most radiant expression of our essence, of our heart ~ emanating the light of love forthe benefit of all. How do you see the principles of Eco-Governance supporting the manifestation of this reality?

  • How is the radiance of essence, and the essence of radiance an essential medicine in our journey of Return to Essence.

Daily Offerings
All Our Kin
Calendar & Gallery
Meditation & Journeys
Reflections and Practices
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