

Rest in Loving Communication
And now the sounds and forms and colors dance
In breathful splendor
Taking us with them
Through the seasons of surprise and surrender
The lean and sumptuous beauties
With their infinite turnings and returnings,
Move through us and beyond us,
Rippling out waves of wonder
Heartful messages
That speak a universal tongue
Received and shared
Even with those who may seem far
Yet shine back love like stars
Who know our common dusty past
And love all that we are

day 5 ~ co-creation ~ invitation for daily reflection
offered by shelley ostroff
The invitation today is to commune with Water in loving co-creative encounter.
Sense into the co-creative consciousness of Water as She offers herself to be rebirthed in every moment, in every encounter, in infinite ever-evolving expressions of Life. What are the many ways Water is co-creating with you in this moment? How is Water co-creating with all of Life in every moment?
Sense into Water 's role in co-creating, with Earth, Air, Fire and the Climate Code, the conditions for all Life to flourish.
What can we learn from Water about the nature of vitalizing, life-serving co-creation as an essential foundation for our personal and collective healing pathway forward?
What can we learn from Water about co-creation as an essential code for restoring our sacred regenerative relationship with each other, with Water and with all of Life as we come together to co-creatively heal the planetary Waters?
Thank you Water.
With love and gratitude,
Shelley Ostroff

event gallery - day 5

practices and wisdom offerings
offering from treesisters
Ellie’s Quote for Day 4 - Circulation
“At our core, at our centre, beats a heart that circulates Life though our beings. A heart whose energy carries love through our lives. Life and love intertwine and dance the rhythm of our journeyings here in this wondrous Earth home. What becomes possible for all of Life when we allow love to flow freely through us? Letting our whole being be infused with the unique love of our hearts… choosing to pour it out to join the heartbeat of Life, we offer a healing force to the world beyond measure.”
Offered by Ellie Herndlhofer, Network and Volunteer Assistant of TreeSisters

Water researcher and crystallographer, Veda Austin
The Code of Circulation. Veda Austin is a water researcher, public speaker, mother, artist and author. She has dedicated the last 8 years observing and photographing the life of Water. She believes that water is fluid intelligence, observing itself through every living organism on the planet and in the Universe. Her primary area of focus is photographing water in its 'state of creation', the space between liquid and ice. It is through her remarkable crystallographic photos that water reveals its awareness of not only Creation, but thought and intention through imagery. www.vedaaustin.com

a wisdom message from kim kapes and the wolves
in harmony with nature animal haven
Some of our wolves and wolf dogs prefer to keep space from humans. Our walk today with them is done with compassion for their shy nature. As the waters of the earth help co-create the environment for the plant and animal life to thrive, so do we humans co-create the environment where everyone’s needs can be met. Honor and respect those who can not meet and walk with us on our path and find ways to make that path enjoyable to all who share it. In Harmony With Nature

Water Clearing Ritual / Meditation with Church of the Earth
Connecting with water as living ancestor/s and - deepening relationship. As Church of the Earth,
Frans is a shamanic minister, and part of African (water divination) tradition. For more info visit www.liquidgoldalchemy.com
Conversations of Women with the Sacred Female Rising Institute
'Conversations of Women' with MiraMichelle and Roschanack
Co-Creating Your Power with Heart

Offerings from the Connection Field
Divine Heart Meditation with Malini Rajendran
A unique divine heart meditation for every day for healing 7 different types of Waters of the world
All Our Relations Fire
Heart Coherence Meditation
Hosted by Julie Down
The Connection WATER Field
with Loving Waters Council and Four Worlds European Grandmothers
Japa Mala for Repairing the Earth
with Linda Linker Rosenthal
Hoops of Many Hoops: "Co-Creation" with Daniel Ramos and Glover

storyteller's lodge
To promote and partner with the World Water Year, the White Otter Academy is acting as a steward of storytelling for the 7 Days of Rest & Radical Healing. The intention is to provide stories from people around the globe that relate to Water and healing - and their personal or community connection with the Earth. You can view the inspiring treasure of stories coming in from around world on the

Healing Water Ceremony offered as a daily practice from Ejna Fleury
2021 Healing Water Ceremony

WATER CURE ~ 7 days